Two Fireflies in a Net of Stars

The anticipation of your kiss on my lips

sets everything in order, in a glimpse.

The Earth graciously drifts us through the Universe

propelled by my exhale of release and trust.

Your breath on my skin

makes the tight diaphragm unfold,

deep inside my so rarely-explored core.

Purple morning glory petals

expand into my chest,

following the vibrations

of our dark and sunny interjections.

Suddenly, the fire of proving myself worthwhile dissipates.

Suddenly, I am good enough; your kiss tells me so.

The gift of your earthly love

unknots my arms and my fingers,

puts my head back in an arch of gratitude,

one that swings back, from my eyes to your smile,

from my hair to your skin,

from the liquid shape of our emotions,

that help us slide through time,

marking a still and luminous strand,

two fireflies in a net of stars.


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